At Tobaygo Law, we understand that the divorce process involves more than just the law — it involves your family. For most clients, a divorce is their first experience in the courtroom, and, when combined with the heavy emotional components, it can be overwhelming. Our attorneys combine proven litigation skills and extensive trial and negotiation experience.
Our representation starts with client preparation and education. We make sure that our clients understand how the law affects their specific case and that they feel prepared and confident to make the right decisions to protect their finances, their family, and their rights. When the time comes, you’ll be ready for every aspect of your case.
Our first goal is to achieve the most favorable settlement for each client, regardless of whether that means protecting their financial position or guarding their relationship with their children. We also understand that settlement isn’t always possible. Because our focus is on client education and involvement, personalized representation is a hallmark of our firm. Our family law attorneys will evaluate your goals alongside the law to ensure the best possible outcome.
Our Sarasota family law firm has developed relationships with some of the best-supporting professionals in the Florida Gulf Coast region — including real estate appraisers, forensic accountants, and mental health professionals for adults and children — to give our clients every possible advantage in their divorce case and ensure their rights are protected. We represent clients in all of the following family law issues. Contact our law firm today.